Friday, March 28, 2008

Newest Add-ons (toys)

This is my "official" list of add-ons for my Firefox browser. Why would anyone still be using IE?

ScribeFire Add-on for Firefox

Just wanted to see if this add-on works...

This is pretty sweet! Now, I don't have to worry about going to blogger directly to post something, I can be on any page and when inspiration hits - WHAM! a blog post will appear....

do i use "..." too much?


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tax Rebate

I found this in my INBOX this morning:
President George Bush said each one of us would get a $600.00 tax rebate. It was previously slated to be $800.00, but they dropped it to a $600.00 tax rebate because of various budget problems. Now, if we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China. If we spend it on computers, most of the money will go to Korea or India . If we spend it on gasoline, it will all go to the Arabs . . . and none of these scenarios will help the American economy.

We need to keep that money here in America . . . so the only way to keep that money here at home is to drink beer, gamble, or spend it on prostitution. Currently it seems that these are the only businesses still left in the U.S.

I'm Elliot Spitzer, and I approve this message.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

795 Super-delegates

For those that are politically minded, a quote for the day -
Unelected delegates thus have more than twice the votes of the richest state prize, California.
This quote is taken from an article in the Wall Street Journal by John Yoo titled, "The Democrat's Super Disaster". The article is talking about the unelected super-delegates power in Presidential elections (specifically the cluster #@#$@#$#%@ that is the 2008 Democrat Presidential Delegate).

The article in and of itself is not 100% accurate, but has some good parts to it overall.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Layers of the Earth

Here is one of the many t-shirts I wish I had when I was still teaching. It details the layers of the Earth in a much more reasonable way than I ever could.

HT: Threadless

Purple crayons...

As a teacher of middle school and high school aliens for nearly 7 years, I was told on a number of occasions that it was best not to grade my student's papers using a red pen. Why? Because it would wound the spirits of the kids that missed a lot of the questions to see all that red (the paper looks like it was bleeding).

So each year before the school year would start I would stock up on school supplies and I made sure that I had enough multicolored pens to survive the school year's grading and that I didn't wound anyone's spirits. Instead of papers being covered in red ink, the papers were covered in purples, blues, greens, browns, whatever color Crayola made I used (other than red of course).

Well, after the first week of the NCAA tourney, it looks like my brackets went through a kill zone! Look at all the red...

My spirit hurts just a little bit...

On our own...

We have been blessed these last 2 weeks to have live-in grandparents and an aunt for the weekend to help out with Morgan and Matthew (as well as the kitchen, grocery store, Chuck E. Cheese, McDonalds, etc.). We knew those days would come to an end and Jen and I would have the house and all its demands to handle on our own at some point.

Well, as of 4 PM (EST) yesterday the house was officially empty - meaning that Jen and I were on our own!

The result?

We had McDonald's for dinner last night, put Morgan to bed at 7:45 (started at 6:30), and Jen and I were able to sit and watch television on the couch with Matthew in the swing. We thought things were going to go smoothly.

Matthew gets fed at 10:00 and has the hiccups/spit ups until almost midnight. Morgan was up and in our bed by 3:45 and whispering ('Daddy pat me') until about 4:45ish. Then Matthew gets fed again some where shortly thereafter...which means he is grunting and making spit up noises until about 6:30ish. I wake up Jen and Morgan (who is still in our bed - and is actually drooling on my pillow), so that I can take Morgan to school and get on the road by 8:00.

Oh happy day! We survived the night and there were no major meltdowns this morning.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

The reason for our celebration on Sunday began today (Good Friday) more than 2000 years ago.

Hebrews 2:14-17
Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil — and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham's descendants. For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.

As good as chocolate Easter Bunnies taste, remember the reason to celebrate Easter is the ultimate sacrifice of Christ - given in place of us.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March Madness

The Tourney starts tomorrow (which means the trash talk has already begun). Check out the link and watch my bracket come to life with the winners! I'm going old school and having the Hoyas come through and win it all!

Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick was a Brit!!!!!

Taken from Relevant Magazine's webpage:

St. Patrick's Day has become a cultural phenomenon in the United States, forever associated with Irish pride, copious amounts of alcohol consumption and those weird green milkshakes from McDonald’s. But, how much do you really know about where it all came from? Here are 10 facts you may not have known about St. Patrick's Day.

1. You Already Missed It
Though St. Patrick's Day generally takes place on March 17, the date is moved when it coincides with Holy Week. Because Easter falls early this year, Pope Benedict moved the date of St. Patrick's Day to March 15. Consider today a do-over.

2. St. Patrick Wasn't Irish
The archetypical symbol of all things Irish was actually a Brit. Patrick, whose real name was Maewyn Succat, was born around 378 in Roman-controlled Britain to a fairly affluent family. But, our next fact proves the age-old adage: Mo' Money, Mo' Problems.

3. St. Patrick Was a Slave
When he was 16, Irish marauders attacked Patrick's family's estate and kidnapped Patrick along with several of his father's vassals. Patrick was sold into slavery, and for six years worked as a shepherd before escaping to France.

4. St. Patrick Was Responsible for One of the Greatest Missionary Movement's of All Time
After escaping from slavery, Patrick devoted himself to studying theology and doctrine. He had a passion to return to the very people who had enslaved him. In spite of the objections of his diocese, who felt he was wasting his education, Patrick returned to Ireland after being ordained as a bishop at the age of 43. As he evangelized the people, Christianity took hold quickly. Within a few short years, Ireland became one of the foremost launching points for missionaries in the world. The Irish were responsible for evangelizing most of Western Europe.

5. St. Patrick Didn't Drive the Snakes Out of Ireland
Legend likes to see St. Patrick as a forerunner to modern-day hero Samuel L. Jackson, driving snakes off the metaphorical plane that was Ireland. However, snakes are not even indigenous to Ireland. The legend probably arose because the serpent was one of the symbols of the Celtic pagan religions.

6. St. Patrick Used the Shamrock to Explain the Trinity
The shamrock was considered a sacred plant by the Celtic religions, because it symbolized the rebirth of Spring. Patrick used the three-leafed plant to describe the unity of the Godhead.

7. Green Was Not the Original Color of St. Patrick's Day
The original color associated with St. Patrick was blue. Green was actually considered unlucky, because it was associated with mischevious spirits.

8. There Are More People of Irish Descent in the United States Than in Ireland
There are currently some 34 Million United States residents who claim Irish heritage. That's almost 10 times the population of Ireland. Of course, that number no doubt quadruples on St. Patrick's Day.

9. The First St. Patrick's Day Parade Took Place in Colonial New York
The St. Patrick's Day Parade is a tradition older than our country. In 1766, Irish members of the British colonial army marched through New York City to honor their patron saint.

10. The St. Patrick's Day Parade is the Longest Running Civilian Parade in the World
After that initial parade in 1762, individual Irish fraternal organizations held their own parades to commemorate St. Patrick’s Day. In 1850, these parades united to form the one we know today. Yet, somehow, Regis Philbin has always been a part of it.

Audacity to Hope

As most people around the world have seen on the news this last week, Rev. Jeremiah Wright has said some rather controversial things in his past from the pulpit in Chicago. Because on the limited remarks of which there is video, people are speculating that Obama has similar views on America and want to know how Obama could have Rev. Wright as a spiritual mentor.

I don't necessarily agree with Obama's stance on most "government" related issues, but think he is getting a raw deal for some of the comments the Rev. has made. I do like Obama's response to ABC News.
Reverend Wright is like “an old uncle who says things I don’t always agree with.” And the candidate said Saturday, “I completely reject” the statements Wright made in those sermons.
Here is the sermon by Rev. Jeremiah Wright from which Obama got the name of his book. You will be surprised if you get your news from the mainstream media or even talk radio - it pays to be well informed.

Go Eagles!!!

My youngest sister found out this morning that she was accepted into the Clinical Psych PhD program at Southern Miss. This has been a long term prayer request for her to do well on the graduate tests, interviews, and acceptance - and the prayers have been answered with a resounding "GO FOR IT!"


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Baby's Best Puppy


Here is a close up of Matthew in one of his new outfits (this one is not too girly)! I was playing around with the digital macro setting.

Friday, March 14, 2008

We're not in Kansas anymore...

Tonight a thunderstorm that was not supposed to bring much to the Atlanta area, apparently brought forth a possible tornado that whipped through downtown. Pieces of the Georgia Dome collapsed during the SEC Tourney - but don't worry the games tonight will continue on. Oh, and no one had major injuries.

Go Miss State! Go KY!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

a Hope to believe in?

How did Ed Norton become the big green?

The "Real" Tom Cruise

ht: Flowerdust

This is how I picture Tom Cruise at his house. I got the link for how celebrities would look if they lived in Oklahoma from Flowerdust - be sure to check out the rest of the pictures. Some are awesome and not that much of a stretch from reality.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


blog readability test

I was doing my daily blog stalking and came upon this blog reading level. I was sure that the reading level was preschool or lower, but some how it measured out as Genius.

Really? Weird...

ht: Bill LaMorey

Monday, March 10, 2008

Keep your pants zipped!

The Governor of New York (and former District Attorney) was allegedly involved in a prostitution ring. It is sad that yet another man has fallen into a darkness that being unfaithful to his wife, himself, and his constituents seems to be a good decision.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Introducing Matthew Brian Lemmings

Date: Friday March 7, 2008
Time: 3:27 PM (EST)
Weight: 8 pounds 12 ounces
Length: 20.75 inches

Jen and Matthew are doing awesome. Matthew is adjusting to his new world; while Jen and I are adjusting to having a newborn stay in our room. When Morgan was born, she had to stay the first 4 nights in the NICU.

I'm going to have to get used to the grunts, snorts, and other baby sounds. Man this is awesome and yet terrifying (I'm not real sure I'll sleep that much these next few nights).

All thoughts and prayers were (and are still) appreciated. We love each of you and are thankful for the support you have given us!

[edit - I removed the slide show from the post, because it was slowing down the loading of the page. So here is a link to the Picasa web albulm that contained the same pictures.]

We have pictures of almost everyone with Matthew; however, we are missing Christy, Brandon, Jackson, Kim, and the Olson clan! We expect to take care of those pictures soon.

On the road...

We got to the hospital this morning around 6:15 and got "checked in". Got to the Labor and Delivery Room and began the process of sitting and waiting until Matthew pushes hard enough to get things going.

So far all things are going extremely well! Jen is kicking right along with her contractions (drugs I hear are great things). As of 2:30 PM (EST) we are about half way there, based on Jen's development and Matthew's positioning. We hope to meet Matthew in the next couple hours. It would be really cool if we could deliver Matthew before Morgan got picked up from school, so she could come in and meet the newest addition to our family.

Keep posted on the status of Matthew's arrival by checking back here and looking at the Twitter on the top right corner of the page! Thanks for the continued prayers and thoughts...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


"It has begun"

If all goes as planned, we will be holding Matthew in our arms on Friday afternoon/evening! Keep us (mostly Jen and Matthew) in your prayers! I'll keep everyone updated as we get closer...

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

New Word of the Week (WOTW)

Morgan's new Word of the Week is.......(drumroll)....


We don't use such childish words at home (we'll go big or go home on occasion), so I would have to say that the government school is the culprit! I know she is only 2 and she is just repeating words she hears (and that it will/could get worse), but come on. I was hoping that we could do without this new vocabulary until she was at least 11.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Fungus Amongus

There is some nasty stuff going around! Here is the toll as of today:
  • Jackson - vomit
  • Brandon - nausea
  • Brian (me) - nausea
  • Dad - aching all over (no tummy issues)
  • Adam - nausea (maybe vomit)
  • Cole - vomit (hospital with IV)
  • Josh - snot, fever, vomit
  • Alyssa - snot, fever, vomit
  • Morgan - snot, cough, double ear infection (antibiotics)
Anyone else want to join in on the fun?