Monday, March 17, 2008

Audacity to Hope

As most people around the world have seen on the news this last week, Rev. Jeremiah Wright has said some rather controversial things in his past from the pulpit in Chicago. Because on the limited remarks of which there is video, people are speculating that Obama has similar views on America and want to know how Obama could have Rev. Wright as a spiritual mentor.

I don't necessarily agree with Obama's stance on most "government" related issues, but think he is getting a raw deal for some of the comments the Rev. has made. I do like Obama's response to ABC News.
Reverend Wright is like “an old uncle who says things I don’t always agree with.” And the candidate said Saturday, “I completely reject” the statements Wright made in those sermons.
Here is the sermon by Rev. Jeremiah Wright from which Obama got the name of his book. You will be surprised if you get your news from the mainstream media or even talk radio - it pays to be well informed.

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