Friday, March 07, 2008

On the road...

We got to the hospital this morning around 6:15 and got "checked in". Got to the Labor and Delivery Room and began the process of sitting and waiting until Matthew pushes hard enough to get things going.

So far all things are going extremely well! Jen is kicking right along with her contractions (drugs I hear are great things). As of 2:30 PM (EST) we are about half way there, based on Jen's development and Matthew's positioning. We hope to meet Matthew in the next couple hours. It would be really cool if we could deliver Matthew before Morgan got picked up from school, so she could come in and meet the newest addition to our family.

Keep posted on the status of Matthew's arrival by checking back here and looking at the Twitter on the top right corner of the page! Thanks for the continued prayers and thoughts...


Unknown said...

Way to go, Brian and Jennifer!

We're praying for all of you!

Amy Nunnally said...

Congratulations!!!! I've been watching your updates like a hawk! I can't wait to see pictures of Matthew and the family :)