Monday, October 22, 2007

There was a dangle!

It was awesome this afternoon to be able to see how much the little bugger had grown in the last 8 weeks. When the ultrasound technician first began her probing for some good anatomic measurements, Baby #2 flashed us his stuff. I immediately noticed that there were not "3 lines" (when you have a baby girl there are 3 lines that you see to signify female - in the male there aren't three lines, but three "legs").
It was incredible to see the 4 perfectly constructed chambers of the heart, a 2 hemispheres of brain matter, and to hear the tech say that everything was perfect and measuring for the correct due date (3/8/08). As we went searching for proof of gender (I told Jen that I thought it was a boy immediately, but we all wanted to make sure). Baby #2 was not at all cooperative, he kept his legs crossed throughout the ultrasound. The tech had Jen turn on her left side, her back, then her right side; all the time probing, trying to irrate Baby #2 enough to uncross his legs to get a clear shot of a "dangle".
It took a couple minutes, but the tech was clear that we weren't going to walk out today without knowing the gender. Within moments, the tech stopped the ultrasound and said,
"Here is leg number one. This is leg number two. And this is leg number three -
Congrats you are having a baby boy!"
To which Jen burst out laughing! She couldn't believe that we were having a boy. For the last 7 years I figured I would always have nothing but girls around the house. When we saw the ultrasound for Morgan and it was a girl - I was not at all shocked.
About 2 weeks ago, I had a feeling that we would have a boy this time, and I was getting pretty excited about it. This is awesome! We have been blessed with both children (Morgan and Baby #2). And we all cannot wait to meet Baby #2. (I finally won't be out numbered at home anymore!)

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