Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Political Cycle

Growing up in the late 70s/early 80s my favorite toy was my Big Wheel.

I would spin out, slam on the brake, crash into anything moving or not moving, and generally raise havoc. The only problem with the Big Wheel was that after a week or two of racing my friends and crashing into the curb to stop, a portion of the front wheel would flatten out. From that point forward, the sound of wind blowing through my jacked up 1970's hair cut was replaced with the 'thwump, thwump, thwump' of the Big Wheel.

For the last 13 months the US has been bombarded with 'news' stories and commercials (radio, television, Internet, email, and phone), telling us how great or pitiful those running for the nomination to be President of the United States. Generally, I am a person with strong political views - I'm not going to bash you over the head for your beliefs, but will contribute to a 'discussion' if I am in the mood to rumble; especially if you are 'drinking the cool-aid' of a politician or political system and have done no research to understand 'your' belief. (Unfortunately, America is full of 'sheep-ole'.)

Rambling. Sorry.

All that being said. I am so sick and tired of this political cycle 'thwumping' through my head. The Democrat Party can't decide on who is going to best not be George Bush, and the Repuke-licans can't find someone to nominate that offers voters a voice for tomorrow. I still can't believe that we are going to have 7 months of this political unrest before the lesser of two evils is selected to lead our country.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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Thank you, you rock!
Dustin Bryson