Monday, March 24, 2008

On our own...

We have been blessed these last 2 weeks to have live-in grandparents and an aunt for the weekend to help out with Morgan and Matthew (as well as the kitchen, grocery store, Chuck E. Cheese, McDonalds, etc.). We knew those days would come to an end and Jen and I would have the house and all its demands to handle on our own at some point.

Well, as of 4 PM (EST) yesterday the house was officially empty - meaning that Jen and I were on our own!

The result?

We had McDonald's for dinner last night, put Morgan to bed at 7:45 (started at 6:30), and Jen and I were able to sit and watch television on the couch with Matthew in the swing. We thought things were going to go smoothly.

Matthew gets fed at 10:00 and has the hiccups/spit ups until almost midnight. Morgan was up and in our bed by 3:45 and whispering ('Daddy pat me') until about 4:45ish. Then Matthew gets fed again some where shortly thereafter...which means he is grunting and making spit up noises until about 6:30ish. I wake up Jen and Morgan (who is still in our bed - and is actually drooling on my pillow), so that I can take Morgan to school and get on the road by 8:00.

Oh happy day! We survived the night and there were no major meltdowns this morning.

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