Tuesday, November 06, 2007


I have seen/heard/read this question two or three times in the last 3 hours.

What would you be doing if money was no object?

I honestly don't have any idea. There are lots of things that I enjoy doing, but I'm pretty sure that searching the Internet, reading blogs, and hanging out with family and friends is not a viable option for a job. If it is and you know a guy - pass my email address along to him or her and tell them to contact me immediately!

Let's see if I can come up with a quick list of things I like to do (without editing the list)
  • Learn something new
  • Talk to people (establish relationships)
  • Listen (probably in that order - talk, then listen...I'm working on listening, but my ADD kicks in fast)
  • Write
  • Teach what I know to someone that is in the same situation or is facing a similar situation - although Jen says that I can make a long story longer by telling minute details (that is what happens when you spend 6-7 years of your life trying to reach teenagers - you've got to break it down)
  • Watch (people, movies, tv, animals)
  • Read (everything I can get my hands on)
  • Play (friends, family, animals, self - that just sounds wrong)
Anyone else struggling with finding what they want to do when they get older? I refuse to grow up... I wonder if Peter Pan has an opening in Neverland (the island not the ranch with Michael Jackson)?

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