Thursday, September 06, 2007

1 parent household? Finally it is over!

Jen has been in Chicago for the last couple days, which means that Morgan has had some serious "Daddy and Morgan" time. Each morning Morgan has woken up and called for Mommy from her crib (yes, she is still in a crib - she doesn't know any better and we aren't telling her quite yet that she could be in a "big girl bed").

When I walk in the room and say good morning to her, I have been getting this response: "No, Mommy do it!" My response is the same: "Morgan where is Mommy? Remember she is in Chicago, but she'll be back on Thursday."

To which Morgan says: "No. Mommy Do It!"

Well, tomorrow Mommy will be able to "Do It"!

Thank God that she is on the way home! (Please pray that she has a safe and uneventful flight.)

1 comment:

Alicia Goehring Sweet Correspondence said...

Brian I love this! Kids are so funny, since Josh has been away (11 weeks now) when Lily gets mad at me she always says "no, go on the airplane with Daddy." It will be interesting when he gets home and she is mad at both of us. I wonder if she will want to go on an airplane with her Grammy?