Monday, January 08, 2007

"Just Me and My Dad"

Morgan and I are roughing it this week! Jen is off saving the world at a conference at Lake Oconee (she is staying at the Ritz, so don't feel too sorry for her!). So far Morgan and I have had some great time together, she is teaching me how to re-read the same 4 books over and over again; she taught me that no matter how high the water in the bath tub is, we should always continue to put more water in it; and most importantly, she has put her foot down about eating in the high-chair - she's not going too!
Jen is returning home on Wednesday; which is also the same day that Grandma and Papa Brian are coming in from Colorado ("Christmas 2006 - Take 2"). I guess we'll have to take the Christmas Tree down after they leave. Maybe they should stay longer?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is one of her four favorite books "I'm a Little Longhorn?" If it isn't yet, it will be...TRUST me. Oh, and the oft forgotten Auntie Brea is coming to town too...unless the 4th snowstorm of a foot or more cancels my flight. Again.